Visit Rab


Otok Rab sa susjednim otočićima čini rapsku otočnu skupinu koja se, smještena na kvarnerskom prostoru, nalazi na izuzetno povoljnom geografsko-prometnom i geografsko-turističkom položaju u odnosu na europsko i domaće turističko tržište.
Otok Rab (Arbe) se pruža u smjeru sjeverozapad-jugoistok, paralelno s kopnom podvelebitskog primorja.
Za otok su specifičane geomorfološke karakteristike koje čine grebeni i udoline koje se pružaju smjerom SZ-JI.

Grad Rab koje je smješten na jugozapadnoj obali na malom, uskom poluotoku, smatra se draguljem hrvatskoga Jadrana.
Nad siluetom, razlicitom i prepoznatljivom iz daljine, dominiraju četiri zvonika, kao prepoznatljivi znak grada romanicki zvonik je vjerojatno među najljepšima na podrucju cijele Hrvatske.
Nevjerojatan glavni grad otoka  pun je arhitektonskog blaga; u labirintu ulica susrecu se mnogi spomenici: srednjovjekovne crkve, stare patricijske palače, prekrasni portali i bunari, a takoder vrijedi posjetiti  Park Komrcar koji je udaljen svega pet minuta hoda.

Zapadno od Raba nalazi se zaljev Eufemije s brojnim manjim uvalama (i nudističkim), do kojih je moguće stići s autom, taxi brodom, biciklom ili ugodnom lungo mare šetnicom.


The island of Rab with the neighboring islands makes Rab archipelago which is located on the Kvarner area, located in a very favorable geographic and traffic and geographic-tourism position in relation to European and domestic tourist market.
The island of Rab (Arbe) extends in a northwest-southeast, parallel to the mainland by the Velebit coastline.
For the island of Rab, there are specific geomorphological characteristics that make ridges and valleys that provide direction NW-SE.

The town of Rab, which is located on the southwest coast in a small, narrow peninsula, is considered the jewel of the Croatian Adriatic.
Above silhouette, different and recognizable from a distance, dominated by four towers, as recognizable symbol of the city Romanesque bell tower is probably the most beautiful of all Croatian.
Breathtaking capital of the island is full of architectural treasures; in the maze of streets encounter many monuments: medieval churches, patrician palaces, magnificent gates and wells, and also worth a visit Komrcar Park which is only a five minute walk.

To the west of Rab is the bay Euphemia with many smaller ones (and nudist), to which it is possible to arrive by car, taxi boat, a bicycle or a pleasant seaside promenade walkway.


Die Insel Rab mit den benachbarten Inseln macht Rab Archipel, die auf der Kvarner befindet sich in einer sehr günstigen geographischen und Verkehr und geographisch-Tourismus Position in Bezug auf die europäischen und nationalen touristischen Markt.
Die Insel Rab (Arbe) sich in einer von Nordwesten nach Südosten, von der Velebit Küste auf dem Festland parallel.
Für die Insel sind die geomorphologischen Merkmale, die Kämme und Täler machen, die Richtung NW-SE bieten.

Die Stadt Rab, die an der Südwestküste in einem kleinen, schmalen Halbinsel gelegen, ist das Juwel der kroatischen Adria betrachtet.
Vor Silhouette, anders und erkennbar aus einer Entfernung von vier Türmen dominiert, als erkennbares Symbol der Stadt romanischen Glockenturm ist wahrscheinlich die schönste aller kroatischen.
Atemberaubende Hauptstadt der Insel ist voll von architektonischen Schätzen; im Labyrinth der Straßen begegnen viele Denkmäler: mittelalterliche Kirchen, Patrizierpaläste, prächtigen Toren und Brunnen, und es lohnt sich auch ein Besuch Komrcar Park, die nur fünf Minuten zu Fuß ist.

Im Westen von Rab ist die Bucht Euphemia mit vielen kleineren (und FKK), zu dem es möglich ist, mit dem Auto, Taxi-Boot, ein Fahrrad oder eine angenehme Strandpromenade Gehweg zu gelangen.

Old town Rab

Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab

Archaeological Traces

Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab

Outdoor Rab

Outdoor Rab
Outdoor Rab
Outdoor Rab
Outdoor Rab
Outdoor Rab
Outdoor Rab
Outdoor Rab
Outdoor Rab

Outdoor Rab

Outdoor Rab
Outdoor Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab
Otok Rab

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+385 95 914 2032